Actress & Model


Born on camera! My career started young. From acting to modeling, being on camera is who I am. 

I’ve been featured in more than 20 magazines, multiple films, and music videos. 

Via multiple viral videos on all of my social media platforms, I have gained a large fanbase. 

I created Montana Skylar LLC to market to that fanbase while simultaneously growing my following and internet presence.

Note from Montana Skylar

"I was born into this world on camera.

A Leo baby born August 15, 1994 .

I have no idea why I was born to be such a star, but I feel it in my soul that I am doing everything I should be at this point in time.

I haven’t exactly always had what you think was a easy rich life, but I don’t like really talking and bringing up a past that was more pain and discomfort than anyone needed.

All we need to know is my past has taken me to where I am today and who I am now! It’s a better stronger more beautiful me .

My dreams are To be Famous .. Duh we all know that But what for is always the million dollar question?

Well for everything is my answer 😊 why limit myself when I know im capable of all things:

Acting, rapping, influencing and just being me. I do the things I love to do and being recorded doing it.

So I hope you guys just continue to follow my life with everything me in it 😊."